Now THIs is a STORy all about HOW- I got to sit on my ass next to a beautiful lake for months at a time, looking at boats and spitting sunflower seeds at my feet… and got paid to do it. That’s right, with real money. Take that, millenials. You’ll never see money in your lives and I got it simply by kicking my sandals off and bronzin’ my bod. Suckers. Anyway, yeah so in high school, I worked at a lake in the summers checking out boats and jet skis as they went in and came out of Lake Minnetonka. Located about 30 minutes west of Minneapolis, Lake Minnetonka is the crown jewel of the Twin Cities lakes chain and absolutely no expense is spared to protect its beauty and innocence. It’s a bit of a super-lake, if you will, a collection of smaller lakes connected by man and Voltron-ed into one big body of water. And the lake is indeed huge, spanning like ten miles across and featuring strange pocks of thinly connected land that give Minnetonka more than 100 miles of shoreline. Every metro ...