Every year, the fine folks over at NameOfTheYear.com dredge up and compile the finest names in America. These monikers are then dumped into a bracket and thrown to the unwashed Internet, who votes on the winner. Because the Internet cannot be trusted with anything, we all got it wrong this year. Pope McCorkle III won but these six are all better. • BRODARIOUS HAMM For my money, the best name in the whole dang thing. Off the bat, 'Brodarious' is an incredible given name. It's a create-your-own definition adjective where everything you project it to mean is cool, slick and not unlike Shaft, who I've heard is very cool. The surname speaks for itself. This is a tough-talking hunk of honey-baked and likely the name of my first son. • MIGHTY FINE The name of a summer camp counselor for life. Easy to say, fun to yell triumphantly. Kind of makes you feel like Ace Ventura and/or The Mask you say it while grinning really hard. • BILLIE-JO SKELETON This is th...