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Showing posts from May, 2016

Names that did not win 2016 Name Of The Year that are all better than the name that won 2016 NOTY

Every year, the fine folks over at dredge up and compile the finest names in America. These monikers are then dumped into a bracket and thrown to the unwashed Internet, who votes on the winner. Because the Internet cannot be trusted with anything, we all got it wrong this year. Pope McCorkle III won but these six are all better. • BRODARIOUS HAMM For my money, the best name in the whole dang thing. Off the bat, 'Brodarious' is an incredible given name. It's a create-your-own definition adjective where everything you project it to mean is cool, slick and not unlike Shaft, who I've heard is very cool. The surname speaks for itself. This is a tough-talking hunk of honey-baked and likely the name of my first son. • MIGHTY FINE The name of a summer camp counselor for life. Easy to say, fun to yell triumphantly. Kind of makes you feel like Ace Ventura and/or The Mask you say it while grinning really hard. • BILLIE-JO SKELETON This is th

World Monuments I Only Know About From Playing Civilization The Video Game

Mausoleum of Halicarnassus This enormous tomb now lies in ruins but it was originally built as a final resting place for the ruler Mausolus. It was so revered and influential that his name was given to all subsequent above ground graves. Location: Bodrum, Turkey / Date completed: 351 BC • Petra This beautiful and winding desert city is carved into rose-colored mountains and features a hail of bullet holes on its main ruin, the Treasury; souvenirs from Bedouin tribes convinced there was mythic golden treasure inside. Location: Ma'an Governorate, Jordan / Date completed: 5th century BC • Borobudur Uniquely situated between two volcanoes and two rivers, this gigantic Buddhist temple was buried beneath ash and covered by jungle for nearly 700 years before it was rediscovered in the 1800s. Location: Magelang, Indonesia / Date completed: 9th century • Great Mosque of Djenné In 1996, Vogue held a photo shoot inside the mosque. The resulting risqué photos s

Scariest Dark Souls III Enemies I've Seen From Watching My Roommate Play Dark Souls III (Definitive)

This dude • This guy • This very sick Algernon • This Pregnant Tree • This sicko